CSR in Greece


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A Closer Look at Business Education

Balancing CSR Through Regulation

Corporate Social Responsibility: Attributions, Loyalty, and the Mediating Role of Trust

Corporate Social Responsibility of a Corporation Under International Law: A Critical Study

Curvilinear Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Benevolence on Loyalty

Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Research Framework

Intellectual capital communication: evidence from social and sustainability reporting

Investing Responsibly: A Financial Puzzle The Limited Scope of Sustainable Asset Management

Sustainable Finance as a connection between corporate social responsibility and social responsible investing

UPS and Corporate Sustainability Proactively Managing Risk

Executive Summary - The State of Play in Sustainability Reporting in the European Union

Responsible Supply Chain Management

Executive Summary - Responsible Supply Chain Management

Buying Social – a guide to social issues relating to public procurement

Corporate Social Responsibility - National public policies in the European Union 2008

Study on the interaction between local employment development and CSR - report

Study on the interaction between local employment development and CSR - summary

Study on the incorporation of Social Considerations in Public Procurement in the EU-Proposed Elements

National Public Policies in the European Union 2011

The State of Play in Sustainability Reporting in the European Union

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